Celtic Steamers was founded in 2001 by steam enthusiasts throughout Ireland. We formed a committee and with an aim to raise donations for various charities throughout Ireland.
To date we have raised donations of approximately thirty five thousand euro (€35,000).
Our road runs are normally a three day event, with fifteen to twenty miles a day between towns. We have presently averaged out, fifteen to twenty engines per day plus model replicates.
Celtic Steamers was formed in 2001 and currently has 64 members. Our aim is to raise funds for various charities, to preserve steam engines, to involve young enthusiasts, to promote awareness for cheaper insurance for steam engine owners and to get new involvement in the club.
Funds for Charities raised to date:
The Club is in the process of becoming a registered charity limited by guarantee.
The Clubs bankers is AIB, 36/37 Tullow Street, Carlow.
The following are the road runs with the associated charity that we have completed to date:
2001 Kilkenny- Carlow -Athy- Stradbally Alzheimers Society, Carlow
2002 Carlow -Athy -Stradbally ISPCA
2003 Carlow -Athy -Stradbally Holy Angles
2004 Carlow -Athy -Stradbally (to be decided)
Celtic Steamers is an organisation not only for engine owners, but also for people who have an interest in the past and in preserving our heritage. If you would like to become a member of the Celtic Steamers, please contact: Membership Secretary, David Glynn , 087 2928439. Membership fee €10.
Contact Us: davidandannglynn@gmail.com
President: Frank Brady
Treasurer: Andy Nolan
Secretary: Tom Tynan
Chairman: John Glynn
Membership Secretary: David Glynn 05991 48713 (evenings)
Assistant Treasurer - Sharon Waren
Assistant Secretary Andrew Griffin
Administration: Gillian Glynn
Safety Officer: William Bermingham
Carlow Pros:
David Glynn
Noel Glynn
Trevor Glynn
Wesley Glynn
Kilkenny Area Pro’s:
Cathal Brady
Aoife Brady
Jim Jacob
Dublin Area Pro’s:
Steve Larkin
Northern Pro: Art Martin
Wexford: William Binions
Organisers/Charity Collectors:
Art Martin
Sharon Warren
Jennifer Griffin
Pamela Glynn
Jenny Armitage
Lesley Jones
English Area Pro:
Bill Lowe
Backup Service:
Robert Agar
Trevor Warren
Andrew Griffen
Jim Jacob